This was written by my niece to help us understand her feeling about her current situation and how she coped with knowing cancer would in fact take her life one day. Enjoy her words as she would not have wanted anymore tears...
"Can I be Frank with You?"- Written by Chevon Jackson....
Today at 11:11am
March 3, 2009 - Tuesday
"Can I be Frank with you?"......
Current mood: chipper
"Okay, but can I still be Garth?" I love that movie...
Anyways. I havent blogged in a while. Things get hectic around here, my brain doesnt function on GO all the time, I do crazy things, misplace things, lose money, say weird things.. WOW, its probably funny for those around me, but do I ever feel stupid sometimes.
But let me tell you, I have never been the religous type. but lately I find myself quietly thanking god for each day I wake up. I feel thankful to wake up healthy (well no NEW issues).. I am thankful that my kids and husband wake up and they are healthy. At the end of the day I am thankful that we made it throuh the day and nothing tramatic or life altering happened. I am thankful for every minute I get to spend with ANYONE. Not just my kids and my hubby, but EVERYONE.
I plan on seriously living each day to the fullest. Even though that may consist of not getting dressed or leaving the house, we sit and eat as a family and I try my hardest to listen to Gabe talk to me for hours.. When an opportunity comes up to take the kids someplace that might possibly make a memory, I do it. We went to the circus yesterday, and even though I wanted to scream a little everytime Gabe asked to ride the elephant (which was about 83 times in 20 minutes), and I cringed when Nodin dumped my coach purse 2 times onto the nasty dirty sticky pop spillaged floor.... We made memories. Miingan sat, sickly ( he has sinus issues) for hours waiting to watch the dirtbike riders, and Joaquin has never paid so much attention to anything in his life. And the look on Gabes goofy face riding the elephant (2 times) is priceless....
I refuse to let Cancer take over my life like it has my brain/mind. I cant stop myself from thinking about the what ifs.. and the whens... I secretly drive myself crazy daily, but its brief and I move on. In my heart I know Cancer will kill me, but I refuse to let that be before I am ready. and I will not be ready until I know that I have done all the things I need to do.
Is this blog Frank enough for you?? :)
My point is, live for NOW.. Be thankful for each and everyday, every blessing in those days... Nobody knows what the future holds, so dont wait til "later" to do anything. Do it now.. Take lots of pictures, tell lots of stories... Show someone something that they will always remember. Let your kids sleep on your bedroom floor... Just be thankful, grateful and willing to LIVE LOVE AND LAUGH.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I wrote this last night after my nieces funeral. I have spent the last year plus a little more with her during her journey trying to fight cancer. I went with Chevon & her mother many times and stayed with then in Zion. After coming home I went to sit with her several times a week. I don't know what my life is going to be like without her...
Yesterday at 10:47pm
Today I sent someone special to a better place, she is no longer in pain.
She was generous, kind, giving & full this sense of sarcasm that actually cracked me up. But, with this sarcasm came a sense of truth, she had a way of saying something making her point be know with or without hurting your feelings.That was one of my favorite things about her!
I can tell you that she probably was, no actually is the one person I truly felt comfortable enough to tell certain things to, she didn't judge anyone. (but, if she did you knew there was a good reason for it)
My DH will tell you that we are 2 peas in a pod. He found that we were very similar in many ways. To him he said we thought alike and that he said many times it scared him, we'd have our little inside jokes that if you were around you would think we were a little "out there" you know that unspoken kinda thing that 2 can have...
She left us 4 cherished possessions ... her young sons. They were her world. She gave them so much love, never mattered what her house looked like, she always said "who cares, they will only be little once". Now I can tell you she loved things in order but with 4-8+ kids there at any given time who had the energy to take care of them & keep the house" tip top".
She loved watching them grow, giving them many opportunities to taste life. She felt it important to have them get a chance to "experience" things, & they did just that. She made sure they had done many things before she left them.
Parties, she believed that a birthday was a national holiday or it sure seemed like it because when she threw a party it was "A Party" and everyone young and old alike had fun!
She loved to watch reality shows and I actually think that she made her schedule around the ones that she liked the best. She love 3 more than the rest, Sun. night was Amazing Race, Thurs. was Survivor & then there was Big Brother. I must confess that she turned me into a junkie also... Hmmm, never woulda thought that would happen... :)
She also had another addiction one that I also shared with her, well to amend that a little bit there was 2 addictions we shared... Coach purses & Scrapbooking. I got my first coach purse many years ago & not so long after she called me to inform me she had just bought her first of many. We couldn't wait until the new lines came out every year. Then there is scrapbooking, we both agreed that by taking lots of pictures we could preserve memories for years to come, so glad she had that addiction, because of it her young sons will forever remember her on their many vacations that they had taken together. Making a memory was so important to her especially after she found out she was sick... then she took advantage of every single chance to "make a memory" for them to cherish.
I could go on and on forever sharing about this special person it my life. She is, as I have said so many times before , to me she is my hero, she had so much courage and she knew what she was up against but never faltered and continued through her journey without any complaints.
So with all this said...
This is what she would say to me now...
What's wrong... come on no more tears,GEEZ, no more crying....
Live, Love & most of all try to Laugh along the way!!!
She was generous, kind, giving & full this sense of sarcasm that actually cracked me up. But, with this sarcasm came a sense of truth, she had a way of saying something making her point be know with or without hurting your feelings.That was one of my favorite things about her!
I can tell you that she probably was, no actually is the one person I truly felt comfortable enough to tell certain things to, she didn't judge anyone. (but, if she did you knew there was a good reason for it)
My DH will tell you that we are 2 peas in a pod. He found that we were very similar in many ways. To him he said we thought alike and that he said many times it scared him, we'd have our little inside jokes that if you were around you would think we were a little "out there" you know that unspoken kinda thing that 2 can have...
She left us 4 cherished possessions ... her young sons. They were her world. She gave them so much love, never mattered what her house looked like, she always said "who cares, they will only be little once". Now I can tell you she loved things in order but with 4-8+ kids there at any given time who had the energy to take care of them & keep the house" tip top".
She loved watching them grow, giving them many opportunities to taste life. She felt it important to have them get a chance to "experience" things, & they did just that. She made sure they had done many things before she left them.
Parties, she believed that a birthday was a national holiday or it sure seemed like it because when she threw a party it was "A Party" and everyone young and old alike had fun!
She loved to watch reality shows and I actually think that she made her schedule around the ones that she liked the best. She love 3 more than the rest, Sun. night was Amazing Race, Thurs. was Survivor & then there was Big Brother. I must confess that she turned me into a junkie also... Hmmm, never woulda thought that would happen... :)
She also had another addiction one that I also shared with her, well to amend that a little bit there was 2 addictions we shared... Coach purses & Scrapbooking. I got my first coach purse many years ago & not so long after she called me to inform me she had just bought her first of many. We couldn't wait until the new lines came out every year. Then there is scrapbooking, we both agreed that by taking lots of pictures we could preserve memories for years to come, so glad she had that addiction, because of it her young sons will forever remember her on their many vacations that they had taken together. Making a memory was so important to her especially after she found out she was sick... then she took advantage of every single chance to "make a memory" for them to cherish.
I could go on and on forever sharing about this special person it my life. She is, as I have said so many times before , to me she is my hero, she had so much courage and she knew what she was up against but never faltered and continued through her journey without any complaints.
So with all this said...
This is what she would say to me now...
What's wrong... come on no more tears,GEEZ, no more crying....
Live, Love & most of all try to Laugh along the way!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hello everyone... Gosh it has been a very long time since I have posted anything. I have been busy coming & going to Zion where my niece has been. She finally came home last Friday... The first time actually since Aug. 8th. She will be going back again the first part of Nov. to find out if the Radiation & Chemo has worked. The tumor needs to have shrank to the size of a tennis ball before the tumor can be removed. So, please say a prayer for her!!!
I went to a crop this afternoon, had a great time. I worked on a project I am doing to give to a friend. She makes "Totes" for patients diagnosed with cancer. She puts all kinds of goodies in the totes to pass the time of waiting. I decided to make bookmarks & a small photo book to be included along with the totes.
This upcoming week end I am going on a "Girls Week End Out" 12 of us are going to a cottage on a lake to do some serious scrapbooking. I have been looking forward to it for a very long time. I have many things to get finished. I also have some "Christmas" gifts that need to be made. I will post pictures of what I get finished. I will try to post again before I leave... Have a great evening!!!
I went to a crop this afternoon, had a great time. I worked on a project I am doing to give to a friend. She makes "Totes" for patients diagnosed with cancer. She puts all kinds of goodies in the totes to pass the time of waiting. I decided to make bookmarks & a small photo book to be included along with the totes.
This upcoming week end I am going on a "Girls Week End Out" 12 of us are going to a cottage on a lake to do some serious scrapbooking. I have been looking forward to it for a very long time. I have many things to get finished. I also have some "Christmas" gifts that need to be made. I will post pictures of what I get finished. I will try to post again before I leave... Have a great evening!!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Back at the C.T.C.A.
Well, here I am back at the C.T.C.A. in Zion IL. with my niece Chevon. She has been here since Aug. 7th. She has had 4 surgeries since being here. First, she had to have a colostomy done so that she could go the bathroom. The tumor is compressing the rectum so much that she wasn't able to have a normal bowel movement. This has help her greatly but, it has not taken all of the pain away. But it is so much better than it was. Then she had to have stents put into her ureters, this was done to help her, allowing the urine to drain into the bladder, as the tumor is also pressing on the bladder and the right ureter not allowing the urine to drain. This also has created extreme pain for her. After that she had to have urostomy tubes inserted because the tumor was still compressing on the ureters and the urine still couldn't drain this created a critical fluid gain. This has caused her to gain 60+ pounds in just a few weeks. Since having the tubes placed into the kidney the fluid is slowly beginning to come off. The Dr. want her to get up and walk, this is a hard process as she has so much pain that she fights us, WE ALWAYS WIN but it is so hard, knowing she is in so much pain , but I remind myself it is for her to get better, so we keep her going. Her mother is an amazing woman!!! She has been here almost nonstop, She left only for about 30 hrs. (back to Michigan) to get her F.M.L.A. taken care of. Then she was right back to Chevon's side. She is so lucky to have her mother!!!! I have seen the true meaning of what a mother really is, it overwhelms me more that words can describe!!!!! I have been busy getting a Benefit ready. It is going to be on Sept. 13th. The expenses are climbing each day. Her mother is staying in a hotel and it is reasonable but still it costs money. She is off from work and has no income coming in and The Family has decided the best way to help is to put on this "Benefit". I have never done anything like this ever, but I am trying my hardest to help with it. There have been lots of donations so far and hope we get more. The generosity of people is heart warming! I guess there still are good people in this fast paced world we live in... So nice to know them all!!!!!!! Well, with all this said... I am going to get ready and go over to the hospital and visit for awhile. I will update more later.
Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!!!!
Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Where does the time go? Seems like it was June and we were preparing for my 2nd sons wedding. Which, by the way went wonderfully! It was a beautiful Sunny day. Everything was perfect! Now here it is the end of Aug. and everyone is busy getting their children ready to go back to school. Myself included. Today I went with my youngest son to register for college classes at a local university. I never realized how much financial aid is avail. to minority kids. Boy, I know what I will be doing for the next few days... going to many sites to fill out the forms to see if he is a candidate for any of them. I also spent the last 12 days with my sister in law and my niece at the Cancer Center of America... my niece has neuroendicrine cervical cancer, squamous cell, small cell cancer. She had a radical hysterectomy done in Nov. of 2008 and went through chemo treatments and after finishing all of that she went back for her 3 month check and they found a very large tumor in her pelvis. She is now being treated at the Cancer Center of America. She has had 2 surgeries since going there and will be starting radiation therapy very soon. So, things have not quieted down at all... very busy trying to help get things done so I can get ready to go back to be with them at the center. Amongst all of this... I have been told I can no longer do my job. For those of you who don't know I have been off work since last April... issues with my back again. Seems like it is an ongoing battle with my back for the last 23 yrs. or so... long story short I won't be going back anytime soon. This sits very heavy on my heart as I so love my job, I have been doing it for the past 15+ years and thought I would be doing it for another 20+ yrs. Now I am going to have to keep myself busy doing things for my family and scrap booking my heart out. Well, my DH is calling me to come down stairs... bet he's hungry... LOL until next time......
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Holy Smokes, here does the time go?????
Well, the Bridal Shower is over and we have 2 weeks until the big day. My 2nd son Luis is getting married as you all know from past posts. I had never given a Bridal Shower before.
I can say it went just like clock work. I served 3 different pinwheel sammy snacks, veggie tray, a cheese ball & 3 kinds of crackers and I had a Chocolate fountain with strawberries, marshmallows, rice crispy treats, and mini cream puffs. Gosh, everything was so yummy! I didn't end up taking many leftovers home.... that's a good thing because none of us in my house needs to eat all those treats...LOL
I had shown the gifts that I had made for the winners of the games and the door prize, well everyone wanted them!!!! I guess they liked my creations. giggle...
I am working on the scrapbook for the Bride to be, when it is finished I will post for all to see.
Have a great day!!!! "GO RED WINGS"
I can say it went just like clock work. I served 3 different pinwheel sammy snacks, veggie tray, a cheese ball & 3 kinds of crackers and I had a Chocolate fountain with strawberries, marshmallows, rice crispy treats, and mini cream puffs. Gosh, everything was so yummy! I didn't end up taking many leftovers home.... that's a good thing because none of us in my house needs to eat all those treats...LOL
I had shown the gifts that I had made for the winners of the games and the door prize, well everyone wanted them!!!! I guess they liked my creations. giggle...
I am working on the scrapbook for the Bride to be, when it is finished I will post for all to see.
Have a great day!!!! "GO RED WINGS"
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Shower Gift #2 "Dry Erase Board"
This gift #2 of 3-4 gifts. I wanted something functional for 1 of the gifts. I was at Kohls the other day and they had a dry erase board that was so pretty. I looked it over and thought... I can make something close to it! I went to the Dollar Store, picked up a frame and a dry erase pen and came home to figure out what I was going to do with it. Everything on it is left overs from other projects. The paper in the middle & words are from the Notebook Collection from CTMH, I stamped an image on the corner of the mat frame (I used a 12 x 12 pc. of cream card stock, cut the size out of the middle that I wanted)added some ribbon and that's about it. I decided to go ahead and post the teachers gifts and another shower gift. The paper for the first teachers gift is all from SU, I used a stamp from SU. the inside is simply 6 clear envelopes. I secured it by putting 2 brads. The second one is an old CD case. I used paper I had left over from another project. I think the paper is from Creative Memories, but I am not sure. I added a flower from CTMH, Big Pinks and inked the edges and then added a little glitter to give some bling. Very easy to make. If anyone is interested in the directions for any of the projects I have been making, just let me know and I can get them for you. I have a few more things to make for the shower, when they are finished I will post them also. Good day to everyone!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Shower gift # 1... 3 More To Go...
Luis my 2nd son is getting married in June. For the shower I decided to make the gifts for the prize winners. This the 1st one that I have completed. I used paper from CTMH Promise of Spring Paper Pack. It was one of the past Heart of Winter Project Packs.I stamped a flower,added a little glitter, a pop dot,& some black ribbon... I also had to make the envelopes because the card ended up being a size that I couldn't find an envelope to fit it. These cards won't be able to go in mail, but they will be nice throw in a gift bag!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hello everyone!!!
Boy, sure has been a while.
I have come to the conclusion that I really am not a very faithful blogger. I have no reason why, I guess just busy doing other things, Physical Therapy, Pain Clinic, Dr. appointments... Really just haven't had much me time to sit down for alittle me time and fill everyone in on my scrapbooking. I am sad to say I am very behind!!!! I have always been prompt in getting events photographed, developed, cropped, and onto pages in a timely fashion... that is pretty much down the tubes for me! am hoping to get a little more time so that I can work on my sons wedding. I have it started and I will finish litlle more and I will share a few pages with you... I have 6 pages nearly finished... I posted a picture of myself and my hubby. The reason is I want everyone to know how amazing he is! We celebrated our 28th anniversary last week. I still get flutters when I am near him, so I just wanted to let everyone know that I am sorry but I HAVE the most amazing man that anyone could ever dream of being married to!!!!!!! So, with that said I am heading to the family room to watch a movie with my DH. Have a wonderful evening and I will be posting pages again soon!!!
I have come to the conclusion that I really am not a very faithful blogger. I have no reason why, I guess just busy doing other things, Physical Therapy, Pain Clinic, Dr. appointments... Really just haven't had much me time to sit down for alittle me time and fill everyone in on my scrapbooking. I am sad to say I am very behind!!!! I have always been prompt in getting events photographed, developed, cropped, and onto pages in a timely fashion... that is pretty much down the tubes for me! am hoping to get a little more time so that I can work on my sons wedding. I have it started and I will finish litlle more and I will share a few pages with you... I have 6 pages nearly finished... I posted a picture of myself and my hubby. The reason is I want everyone to know how amazing he is! We celebrated our 28th anniversary last week. I still get flutters when I am near him, so I just wanted to let everyone know that I am sorry but I HAVE the most amazing man that anyone could ever dream of being married to!!!!!!! So, with that said I am heading to the family room to watch a movie with my DH. Have a wonderful evening and I will be posting pages again soon!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
April's Challenge Page
Wow, it's really been a long time since I have posted. I have not felt like doing much of anything. However, I have decided to force myself to get up and start moving around a little more. So, the first place I wanted to go was into the scrapbooking room! I feel like the first time all over again! I never realized how much stuff I have inside these 4 walls. Boy, if my husband had any idea he would ... well I don't even want to think about that right now! I finished my Apirl "All About Me Challenge" page before I started having all of this trouble with my back, just never got it posted.So here it is. I am not really very excited with it. To me it seems very choppy. But, since I refuse to tear a page apart it is just going to have to do. The topic was 5 thing I can not live without. It couldn't be a person or an animal. The challenge was easy, but I didn't like the way the page turned out. Oh well, I don't have to be in love with every page that I design, right... LOL
May's challenge is done with a partner. I am doing it with a lady from the Jacksonville, Fl area. I did an interview with her and am waiting for her picture to come and I will be off and running. I think it will be fun!
Well, I must get moving or I will have wasted my entire day sitting here, which would be easy to do... but it is a pretty nice day and I think it's a great day to go outside and get some fresh air!!! Also I can't wait to look at all of my flowers and blooms that are up since all the rain that we got last week. So,until next time...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Boy, I feel like I have been gone forever...
Well, I sure have had an interesting past few weeks. I have been having an affair with my heating pad and for all intense and purposes I have been cheating on it with pain killers. I have had lots of Dr. appointments, Physical Therapy, getting ready to see a Neuro Surgeon and trying to get into a pain clinic to have a few injections. Sounds like fun doesn't it... Well, I have a pretty bad back, several surgeries in the past and every once in a while I go through this. I don't really feel like scrap booking, can you believe I just said that! I have not stepped inside my scrap room in over a week. I have all these projects started and I don't feel up to going in and doing a thing. This makes me very sad because I so very much need to get a book done for my son! I wanted to give it to him for his birthday, but that won't be happening... his birthday is in 2 weeks and I barely have it started. I would like to go in and try to at least get some more page packs done so when I do feel better I can go with force. Wish me luck this next week... I go to the Surgeon on Thurs. Until then if I manage to get anything done I will post it.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
"All About Me" Challenge...
I recently joined a wonderful group of ladies from Jacksonville, Fl to do a Challenge. Each month a challenge is posted in the forum and the object is to create a page (or a 2 pg. L/O) about whatever the topic is for the month, and it has to be about yourself... using things that you have in your stash of goodies. I usually do not do pages about myself, so this has been a real "challenge". I guess that's why it's called a challenge... go figure. Anyhow, I have completed the last 3 months of the challenge, I started late so I had to catch up and I have now done that. Jan. is about your resolution for the upcoming year.It is the darker paper with the words resolution, family, friends, & work on it. Feb. is about something (or someone) that you love. It is the one with all of the pink on it. (I bet you can't tell what color I love most) March is about 25 things about me. This one posted above for some strange reason. I think this is a great thing to do, as I must make a point of getting the lost picture of myself out of the hard drive or off the dusty shelf (not really) and do something for just me. I am having fun reminding myself of times gone by. So, I am extending the same challenge to those of you who follow my blog or to those of you that just stop by. Feel free to post yours on my response posts. I am waiting for the new challenge to be posted. Have fun creating wonderful pages!!! Until next time
Friday, March 27, 2009
Up Early Today...
Gosh, the house is so quiet this morning! My oldest son left to go back to South Carolina at 5:00 a.m. this beautiful Michigan morning. He's a great son! I found myself feeling very sad as I watched him pull out of the driveway and be on his way. I never realized until now just how much I miss him. He's always been here for me, not that he isn't still it's just that he's so far away now. I have, I think kept him under my wing for a little to long, but isn't that what we do??? Anyway, I am so very proud of him for going out into this big world and taking the chance at a life on his own! His wife and daughter will be joining him there when my grand-daughter gets out of school in June. I think then it will hit me like a ton of bricks that they have left... They live with my husband & I until they move and having them here is created so many memories that will be cherished in my heart forever. I am going to have to make some frequent trips to visit... I have some things to post later today. I joined a challenge from the Scrapbook Oasis, I am having a blast with it. My niece is involved with a wonderful group of ladies there. Anyway, I was poking around online one day and stumbled onto the website and decided to "take the challenge" "All About Me" is the name of this challenge. Each month there is a new topic to create a page (or 2) about yourself. I find this to be pretty cool as I don't normally do much involving myself. So, later today I am going to post Jan., Feb., & March's pages that I have completed. I encourage everyone to do a challenge like this, it's a great way to leave your legacy on who you are... Talk to you later!!! So, until then...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
OMG, today is a very lazy day... I am thinking that it would be a great day to create some beautiful pages. I have some pictures that have been laying on my work table for a while so I guess that it is time to get them onto a page or 2. I am also going to try to make a few cards. My stash is shrinking so I need to get moving and start... I will post some later... Have a great day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Onsie Baby Cards...
This is my attempt to making a onsie card. I still want to do some tweaking to it but this is what I came up with on my first trial. I saw many templates and there are some other ideas out there but this is what I have for my trials. As you know, I was making a card for my friend for her baby shower invitations ... well, it turned out really cute. It has an alligator on it. The alligator is a stamp from CTMH from last years stamp of the month. It's a really cute set. I wanted to post it but she has that one. So, I posted the 2 cards I made to have as a congrats card for a new baby... If anyone wants the template I would be glad to share it. I have much to do today so I need to get myself up and get going... until next time... Have a wonderful day!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Family...
I wanted to post a few family photos today. I must be feeling a little nostalgic or something. I was going through the files of my computer editing and getting pictures ready to send to my son in South Carolina and thought I'd put a few in a slide show. To my surprise I actually ended up with 2 slide shows. So take a look and enjoy my families past year of memories....
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Things to think about...

25 things you may not know about me.
1. I wish I would have realized what opportunities were avail. for me a long time ago.
2. I love my sons more than life itself. I would take my last breath for them!
3. I think my husband is the most giving man I have ever known, he would do anything to help anyone.
4. I do not regret the things I have done in the past, I learned so much from them, Great life lessons.
5. I cherish the ground my Grand-Daughter walks on, she is truly an amazing little girl.
6. I respect Gloria more than she even knows, I think she is an amazing person and a wonderful mother.
7. I always second guess myself, I wish I really had the self confidence that everyone thinks I have.
8. I get my feelings hurt way to easy, I don't really care if someone likes me I just don't like being disrespected.
9. I wish I could help those in need more.
10. I aways wanted to be a healer, maybe like a medical missionary person. But actually here in the USA instead of in another country.
11. I miss my Mom EVERY single day. Not a day goes by that I don't get a lump in my throat thinking of her. She was my best friend!
12. I wish I were a better mother, I think I am just okay at the least.
13. I think that there are way to many fake people in the world (and around me).
14. I wish I could see my son . He doesn't come around much... I am hurt by this... I do not understand why...
15. I think Titan & Jasmin are the coolest dogs ever. They are like love birds, always together. They are Pit Bulls and they are the most loving dogs I have ever had.
16. I went to school to be a Graphic Designer, I didn't finish because I decided to be a Surgical Tech. Big difference in career choices don't you think.
17. I have traveled all over the world. I still have places I want to see.
18. I used to be a pretty good skier. Back in the day.
19. I lived in California for a year while going to school to be a Graphic Designer.
20. I want to retire and buy a new truck & 5Th wheel and travel around the US. There is so much to see here in this country.
21. I aways thought that life was easy, boy did I get that wrong!!!
There's always something waiting to challenge you everyday.
22. I think I give more than I get back. That's okay because I think that's the way life is.
23. I absolutely LOVE pink.
24. I use scrap booking as a release of stress, plus it is a great hobby being able to preserve life's memories.
25. I despise the fact that I have no control over certain other peoples actions when my family is being treated so badly. I am hurt by those things. I want harmony for them and we certainly don't have that right now. I hope it is resolved soon!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Here's the album...
Yesterday afternoon I finally made my way into my scrapbooking room. I made this quick little 7 x 7 album. I used all scraps of paper and embellies that I have had laying around. I used an album from Creative Memories, it's the little plastic one. (I think I had won it from a crop long ago) I did this in just a few hours. I wanted my Grand-Daughter to have something she could show her friends and teachers. I hope you all enjoy looking at it. Have a great week end. I have to work so I won't be back until Mon. :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wow, I figured everything out!!!
After many tries and many disappointments I finally got this Blog done. I had the hardest time but, I finally got it. Computer smart... not so much. I had someone tell me what to do but it didn't make sense to me so... I just kept trying and here it is. I love the music and I hope that all of you will enjoy listening to it while looking at my blog. I am going to be scrapbooking all day today and I will post whatever I get done later. I have the book on Nick & Gloria's new home nearly finished and will get it posted soon. You know I hadn't realized how much more work a 7 X 7 album is. I much rather do the 12 X 12 anyday. It is going to be a great day!!!
Also it is my oldest sons birthday, he is 28 years young today . . . I can not believe it, time has passed so very fast. Seems just yesterday he was a little baby and I was holding him tight. Where does time go... He's now living in South Carolina so I can only tell him (not give him a hug) and wish him a Happy Birthday...
Also it is my oldest sons birthday, he is 28 years young today . . . I can not believe it, time has passed so very fast. Seems just yesterday he was a little baby and I was holding him tight. Where does time go... He's now living in South Carolina so I can only tell him (not give him a hug) and wish him a Happy Birthday...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
OMG, I finally got the slide show to work!!!
How exciting... I never thought that I'd get the slide show to work. Well, here it is. Next is the music... :)
This is an acrylic album from CTMH. The paper I used is also from CTMH, It' a Guy Thing Level 2 paper pack, I used ribbons that are in my stash (mostly CTMH),The rub on's are from SU & CTMH. I have a few other embellishments that I have had for a long time, I am not sure where they came from.
This is one of my favorites that I have made. Total cost of what I have into mine is around $75.00. You can easily do it for less, but I personally like more stuff on my pages.
So, enjoy this and I will post more later in the week as I have to work at my real job :) tomorrow.
This is an acrylic album from CTMH. The paper I used is also from CTMH, It' a Guy Thing Level 2 paper pack, I used ribbons that are in my stash (mostly CTMH),The rub on's are from SU & CTMH. I have a few other embellishments that I have had for a long time, I am not sure where they came from.
This is one of my favorites that I have made. Total cost of what I have into mine is around $75.00. You can easily do it for less, but I personally like more stuff on my pages.
So, enjoy this and I will post more later in the week as I have to work at my real job :) tomorrow.
Monday, February 23, 2009
3rd Grade Spring Program
I must say that time passes by so fast.
I just came from my Grand-Daughters school program. It was so cute. Some of the children really seemed to get into the part they were playing / singing. I really got a kick out of them.
As I sat there watching I thought back to what seemed like yesterday to when my children had school programs. I treasured those days and I was proud as I watched them perform with their classmates. I can still remember each of them as they would shyly go onto the stage and after getting there they would become comfortable enough to do the programs.
As I watched her go onto the stage and perform I felt the same sense of pride as I had felt so many times before.
I will post the pages as I finish them.
I will be back to post again later in the week. Until then ... give your children many hugs and kisses as they will be grown before you know it.
I just came from my Grand-Daughters school program. It was so cute. Some of the children really seemed to get into the part they were playing / singing. I really got a kick out of them.
As I sat there watching I thought back to what seemed like yesterday to when my children had school programs. I treasured those days and I was proud as I watched them perform with their classmates. I can still remember each of them as they would shyly go onto the stage and after getting there they would become comfortable enough to do the programs.
As I watched her go onto the stage and perform I felt the same sense of pride as I had felt so many times before.
I will post the pages as I finish them.
I will be back to post again later in the week. Until then ... give your children many hugs and kisses as they will be grown before you know it.
Thinking about the future...
Well, after 15 hours one way going to my sons new home in Williamston, S.C. And working the week end I am finally going to get some scrapbooking done. I had thought that I would do up a few page kits to work on in the car, however I was very busy before we left so I never got any put together.
I am going to work on the "New Home" pages later today. I took lots of pictures of the new home and the surrounding areas, I was a little worried about them moving so far from home, but I think it will be okay. They have lived with us for a while now and I have gotten very used to having my Grand-Daughter around. She is my little sidekick. I will post my pictures of the pages when they are finished. Have a great day and I will be back later...
I am going to work on the "New Home" pages later today. I took lots of pictures of the new home and the surrounding areas, I was a little worried about them moving so far from home, but I think it will be okay. They have lived with us for a while now and I have gotten very used to having my Grand-Daughter around. She is my little sidekick. I will post my pictures of the pages when they are finished. Have a great day and I will be back later...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Our Day At Michigan Adventure...
This is the first page and second of a 2 page lay-out. I used everything from Close To My Heart. The paper is from the Notebook Level 2 paper pack, alphabet is the color ready,( I personally love theses. they are self adhesive and ready to be inked) the numbers are the chipboard dimensional elements and I used buttons. The pictures are from our day at Michigan Adventures.
My thoughts for the day...
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it & surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad & focus solely on the good. After all life's too short to be anything but happy!!!
Happy Valentines Day...
Today I am trying to get the rest of my blog finished. I can not believe how hard this is for me. I have never been a computer smarty... I just take baby steps and call it good. So, for today I am just going to work some more and try to get more done on it. I still am trying to get the slide show going that could actually drive me crazy. So wish me luck. I will also be posting some of my pages as soon as I can figure out how to get them uploaded.
Have a great week end and a very Happy Valentines Day!!!
Have a great week end and a very Happy Valentines Day!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
No Slideshow Yet....
I am so disappointed... I tried all night last night to get the slide show on my blog and it wouldn't go. I tried everything I could think of and still it wouldn't load. I am going to try again later and see if I can get it to appear. I am off to do some house duties. I would much rather play in my scrapbooking room, but I guess it will be there when I finish with everything else. Have a great day!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sitting here trying to figure out how to set out my blog...
Well, I am trying to get my blog to look all fancy smacy like many others I frequent and I have to say.....GRRRRR...UGHHHH...I am having the worst time.
My conclusion is that I am a computer delinquent. Just when I think that maybe just maybe I am actually getting it... Well, I realize I sure don't have it and I have to try again.
I am one of the ones that learn by doing it & doing it, over and over until I stumble onto something that works.
So... thanks for all of the encouragement & patience while I get this blog setup ... :*)
My conclusion is that I am a computer delinquent. Just when I think that maybe just maybe I am actually getting it... Well, I realize I sure don't have it and I have to try again.
I am one of the ones that learn by doing it & doing it, over and over until I stumble onto something that works.
So... thanks for all of the encouragement & patience while I get this blog setup ... :*)
Monday, a day to recover...
My plans for today are to just relax and try to catch up on some of my much needed scrapbooking.
I have many page kits put together and they are waiting for me to take the time to put them together.
I also have some pages that need to be put into their albums. You know I can never get them into the books. I work and work on the pages of life and for some strange reason I put them on the shelf and there they sit. I am actually embarased to tell you how many are there waiting to be laid to rest in their final resing place... "The Scrapbook".
Maybe that should be the tac
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