Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So much has happened in the past few months...

Since I have been on last so many things have been going on...
Feb. 10th my husband went in for a routine colonoscopy... the Dr. came out after and I expected him to tell me everything was fine and he'd see us next time... well that was not what happened at all. My worst fears came true... he found a TUMOR in the rectum. It's about 10-15 cm up inside the rectum. We were schedule for a battery of diagnostic aids to try to stage the tumor. All were inconclusive... the tumor is situated in such a way they were not able to visualize the wall to see if it had penetrated through that wall. So, he is currently going through chemo & radiation to shrink the size of the tumor so that when the surgeon does the low anterior bowel resection it will be easier to get at it with the size significantly reduced.
Soooo, he is now into the 3rd week of treatment, he has 2 more weeks of chemo and 3 weeks of radiation. After the Surgeon and the chemo/radiation Dr. will decide when the surgery will be done... We are on just a wait n see day by day until the treatments are completed.
I pray every single day that he will be ok and we will be able to move forward and continue on with all of our plans for our future...
But for now.... we wait....