Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Holy Smokes, here does the time go?????

Well, the Bridal Shower is over and we have 2 weeks until the big day. My 2nd son Luis is getting married as you all know from past posts. I had never given a Bridal Shower before.
I can say it went just like clock work. I served 3 different pinwheel sammy snacks, veggie tray, a cheese ball & 3 kinds of crackers and I had a Chocolate fountain with strawberries, marshmallows, rice crispy treats, and mini cream puffs. Gosh, everything was so yummy! I didn't end up taking many leftovers home.... that's a good thing because none of us in my house needs to eat all those treats...LOL
I had shown the gifts that I had made for the winners of the games and the door prize, well everyone wanted them!!!! I guess they liked my creations. giggle...
I am working on the scrapbook for the Bride to be, when it is finished I will post for all to see.
Have a great day!!!! "GO RED WINGS"