Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No Slideshow Yet....

I am so disappointed... I tried all night last night to get the slide show on my blog and it wouldn't go. I tried everything I could think of and still it wouldn't load. I am going to try again later and see if I can get it to appear. I am off to do some house duties. I would much rather play in my scrapbooking room, but I guess it will be there when I finish with everything else. Have a great day!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sitting here trying to figure out how to set out my blog...

Well, I am trying to get my blog to look all fancy smacy like many others I frequent and I have to say.....GRRRRR...UGHHHH...I am having the worst time.
My conclusion is that I am a computer delinquent. Just when I think that maybe just maybe I am actually getting it... Well, I realize I sure don't have it and I have to try again.
I am one of the ones that learn by doing it & doing it, over and over until I stumble onto something that works.
So... thanks for all of the encouragement & patience while I get this blog setup ... :*)

Monday, a day to recover...

My plans for today are to just relax and try to catch up on some of my much needed scrapbooking.

I have many page kits put together and they are waiting for me to take the time to put them together.

I also have some pages that need to be put into their albums. You know I can never get them into the books. I work and work on the pages of life and for some strange reason I put them on the shelf and there they sit. I am actually embarased to tell you how many are there waiting to be laid to rest in their final resing place... "The Scrapbook".

Maybe that should be the tac