Friday, November 26, 2010

What I am Thankful For...

I made it through surgery just fine. I confess it is way worse than I thought it would be! The pain is really testing me. Meaning I have a rather hard time keeping myself from going over the edge. As you can see I am looking a little pathetic in the picture. M son Louie & his wife brought me this adorable little stuffed bear. It really brightened my day!
Now I am at home , I guess I am doing fine but I have to say that the simplest of movements create an awful lot of pain. My DH is doing his best but I feel sorry for him... I am a really bad patient! The healing/recovery is going to long & hard but... I will Survive.
Now on to a better subject... Thanksgiving...
Well for some strange reason I can't get my pictures to load...
Anyway I am thankful for so many things... Family & the strength you get from having strong bonds to get you through anything.
I am thankful to have had an amazig mother that taught me to be the person I am today.
I am thankful for all of us to have our heath and our closeness.
  I am thankful for Dort (my sister~in~law) we went to her house for Thanksgiving dinner ... it was perfect!!! she prepared a meal fit for royalty, thanks Dort it was wonderful!!! I will post pictures later... I will chat more later as I need to go and rest... Love to all!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

1 Day and counting...

I had my Dr. apt. on Wed. last week with the specialist taking care of my arm/shoulder. Last year in Dec. I fell and injured my arm. I broke it to be honest and in the process I also injured my shoulder. As a result I will be having shoulder reconstruction on Tues. the 23rd of November. I know... 2 days before Thanksgiving, are you crazy? Well here's the skinny. His schedule is pretty booked and I took what they gave me. I would have loved not to have to have any surgery at all! I did physical therapy and had the steroid injection, but sadly I report that it didn't do much for me. I figure it isn't going to really matter when, not much going on anyway. I just want it to feel better!!!
I got into a cleaning frenzy yesterday and moved the furniture in my bedroom(with the help of my DH)... it looks so roomy... I wanted it to be fresh and new since the next little while I will be spending the majority in here.
Tomorrow I am going to finish up a few last min. odds n ends and by then the big day will be here...
I am hoping to be able too do a few posts while I am recovering but I guess it will depend on how well I manage to  manouver the keyboard with just 1 hand to type with, so... if I am not here for a while I will be back in a month or so.
Have a Blessed Holiday!!!Mawhhhh!!!