Friday, March 26, 2010

Things just aren't the same!

I have been trying like crazy to get back into the swing of scrapbooking. I sit down to start and all of my memories start flooding me... I lost my niece in Dec. and since I am having trouble getting my scrap on! I am sure she is shaking her head saying "what's wrong... why are you crying"... She always was telling me that she didn't want us to spend to much time in the mourning stage... what she didn't realize is that when you loose someone that is that close to you it takes a while... I am getting better...
The other night I sat down at my computer to check out emails and things. I came across an email from a friend asking me if I had checked out a digital scrapbooking site. Needless to say I had not. I actually wasn't even interested in even looking... well as they say curiosity kills the cat... LOL
I decided to peek to see what she was so stoked about... I finished six 2 page L/O's in just about 2-1/2 hours this morning. Now mind you I love my stuff and love the demention of a traditional page but these pages look pretty good. I am wondering what they are going to look like when I get them... I used "Studio J, it's the new digital line that Close To My Heart just launched. I liked the fact that there was many options to choose from and that everything matches. So maybe I will be able to do some hybrid pages and that way I will be able to add a little demention to these flat pages... I don't think I will ever change to just doing digital but it was very fast and VERY easy!!!
I have to get moving... it's a nice day and I want to go out and enjoy it!!!
Talk To You All Later!!!
<3 you all!!!