Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just sitting here... hmmmmmm

As if things couldn't get worse...
I have an injured arm (shhhh, it's broken, I don't want to say it out loud)
I decided it wasn't gonna let it hold me back, so I went to my Zumba class... big mistake!!! About 1/2 way through I felt like my arm & shoulder felt and still does feel like it's gonna explode and fall off! I wouldn't stop because I didn't want to let those young hot bodied young ladies think I couldn't make through... so foolishly I continued and probably injured it more by doing it. But I finished!!! So, for the next several days I sat around and had the heating pad on it... resting...
So. I figured that today I could go to a scrapbooking Event at one of the local churches. I made it about 5 hours, so here I am back with the heating pad resting more...
I am so disappointed because I was hoping to get caught up on some of my pages that I keep putting off. Wrong... now I am thinking it will be there when I can get it done it isn't going anywhere. Well, I am going to take nap and then I am going to get back atcha... Nighty Night...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A month has passed...

Ya know,
time passes but sometimes your heart stays behind.
A month has passed since the death of my precious niece Chevon.
Seems like just a few hours ago that I sat at your bedside talking to you. Little did I know it would be my last chat with you. I think I told you everything that I could think of that I wanted to say to you. There was no unturned pages.
I told you what you meant to me,
I told you how much I loved you,
I told you that I couldn't imagine life without you,
I told you how I was going to miss you every single day...
I told you so many things.
I value everything we ever did together,
the long talks that we had,
the excitement of waiting for the new Coach purses to come out,
going to get our nails ,mani's, & pedi's together.
I could go on and on about the things I miss.
I feel so honored that you chose me to be one of the ones that you wanted in your life at the end. The months of treatment after your first surgery and your time spent at CTCA and then when you came home. I was so lucky to have been able to show you what you meant to me. There was nothing I wouldn't have done for you...
I didn't want to let you go but I knew that I couldn't be selfish by wanting to keep you here when you were suffering so badly.
I know that you are painfree and happy now and that helps. I was wondering if you could find my Mom and tell her how much I Love Her & Miss Her Each & Every Single Day Also!!!!!
I will be thinking of you both and will talking to again too... Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I saw your guys on Fri. night last week they are doing ok. Nodin misses lots but I think he's ok. He's a very wise young man, he said to me why are you crying ... you should be happy ... she's not in pain anymore...
I guess what I am really trying to tell you is that the tears are still wet on my cheeks and flow often, (I know you hated all that but I am getting better...) they don't come as often and that I just straight out miss you so much!!!! I Love You Sweetie!!!!