Sunday, July 25, 2010

Awesome Evening!!!

Last night I took my sister in law to a cancer charity event in Saginaw. This even was sponsored by Avon. It was at a lovely little cafe. There were different stations set up and you could get a make over, a pedicure, a skin analysis or if you wanted there was blackjack and a few other game for you to try your luck at. They even had a 2011 Camaro for you to try to win.
My sister in law is a 2 time breast cancer survivor. We didn't win the car, but we really are winners we have life, love and we laugh... so in my book we are big winners!
My sister in law has been through so many horrible thing in addition to her having to battle cancer herself she lost 2 sisters, 1 brother... each to cancer and worst of all she lost her daughter this past Dec. to cervical cancer. I was with her throughout the battle to try everything to save her precious life. But as many of you know cancer really doesn't care who you are , how old you are, how much money you have... it just takes....
The thing that I learned and have taken with me is that no mater what never take anything for granted... always expect the unexpected...
I will be attending 2 other cancer events in the next few weeks. The important thing is that we must continue to fight to find a cure for this disease...

Now on to a lighter note... I think I am starting to get my mojo back... I am slowly starting to do some of my crafting.
I did a few pages and surprise I even was satisfied with the way they turned out. I have not really done anything for so long... I just have been in a rut...
I have been trying to post some of my pages but for some strange reason I can't get them to load... I think my internet server is not strong enough... and if that' the case then I am not sure what to do to get them loaded... But I will continue to try...
Well, my dear friends I must get moving... many things to do today... <3 U all...