Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

"All About Me" Challenge...

I recently joined a wonderful group of ladies from Jacksonville, Fl to do a Challenge. Each month a challenge is posted in the forum and the object is to create a page (or a 2 pg. L/O) about whatever the topic is for the month, and it has to be about yourself... using things that you have in your stash of goodies. I usually do not do pages about myself, so this has been a real "challenge". I guess that's why it's called a challenge... go figure. Anyhow, I have completed the last 3 months of the challenge, I started late so I had to catch up and I have now done that. Jan. is about your resolution for the upcoming year.It is the darker paper with the words resolution, family, friends, & work on it. Feb. is about something (or someone) that you love. It is the one with all of the pink on it. (I bet you can't tell what color I love most) March is about 25 things about me. This one posted above for some strange reason. I think this is a great thing to do, as I must make a point of getting the lost picture of myself out of the hard drive or off the dusty shelf (not really) and do something for just me. I am having fun reminding myself of times gone by. So, I am extending the same challenge to those of you who follow my blog or to those of you that just stop by. Feel free to post yours on my response posts. I am waiting for the new challenge to be posted. Have fun creating wonderful pages!!! Until next time