Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sitting here....

Hmmm, I am sitting here helping my Grand~Daughter do her homework and I have to confess that I don't think I ever had the homework that she does. She is in the fifth grade and she has at least 2+ hrs. every night. I am not sure who it is harder on me or her. I at times feel like a total "tard"... meaning it is way harder than a fifth grader should have!!!

I am about 99.5 % ready for the big GIRLS week end. Every year we go to a hotel for the week end to scrapbook. We go on Friday and are there through Sunday. This year my niece is coming from Florida and she is bringing a few friends with her. I think we are all going to have a marvelous time together!!  I will try to post some pics from the week end. FUN FUN.... Talk to everyone soon!!!