Saturday, October 2, 2010

So Very Sad...

We r suckers for dogs. At any given time we have always 5 or more dogs and usually we have a female ready to have puppies. Well, this week is no different than any other time with the exception of this week we had 2 females have pups on the same day ... one had 13 and the other had 6. Out of all that we now have 1 left from the one that had 6 and 6 left from the one that had 13. Never have we had mothers not take care of their pups. they have sat on them, not fed them... I don't know what the heck is going on... We took in these 2 dogs cuz they were not being taken care of and now we have had nothing but issues from them... the one that had 6 & 1 left ended up having a c-section because 1 was so big it got stuck... maybe that's why she is not wanting any part of the mothering thing... Never the less it really sucks when you are trying to keep them alive and they keep dropping like flies....
I think I will not be so kind and take other peoples headaches anymore. I have 2 of my own dogs and I think it is time to just keep my own from now on.... My heart breaks... Just pray that the ones still alive stay alive.......TTYL

Friday, October 1, 2010

Good Morning!!!

Holy smokes I have been browsing cyber space looking for some ideas for my page kits that I have been working so hard to get put together. I guess there are a bazillion ideas and all I have to do it to weed through and find what I am looking for... Hmmmm, right ..... Anyhow I have found some page maps that I will be using but as for actual pages... not so sure.
I am going to try to get up and use my "Cricut" to get a few things cut so I won't have to lug it around. just not sure... I am getting pretty stoked for the week end to get here. I think there are maybe 4 weeks left.
I also give myself some ideas to chose from when I am doing page kits. These are just prompts that sometimes help me figure out what I might do on some of the pages. Here's my list so far...
(1.) I am a survivor; this page I am going to tell why I am (or someone else) is a survivor /or what make me a survivor.
(2.) Something old/Something new; use a new photo/old photo also use a new tech.and incorporate an old along with it.
(3.) Favorite Room; do a L/O of your favorite room. Explain why its your favorite take a pic.
(4.)Name Acronym; using your first name or initials do a L/O with an acronym that describes yourself.
(5.) Sketch; if you are the type that draws a sketch from time to time to help with a L/O use it on a page.
(6.) Journalistic Photo; use a pic that tells the story for you. don't journal to much just let the pic. do it for you.
(7.)Challenges; find a pic. of something that was a challenge for you and do a L/O of it.
(8.) Reality TV; use the title of the show for your page. ex. Big Brother, Survivor, Am. Idol... have fun with it...
(9.) Inanimate Object; journal from the perspective of that particular object.
(10.) Flowers; use anything except pre-made flowers... stamp some flowers,doodle or anything just don't use any pre-mades.
(11.) All about you. choose topics and do a L/O include a different element on each one.
*design w/paper piercer
*repetition(color,accent, shapes...)
*title on a photo
(12.) Game On; use your favorite board game. use the design of the game,colors, patterns...
(13.) Spring Ahead; do a page about what you think the future will hold.
(14.) Before/After .. before /after baby...before/after college...
(15.) Brad Design; create a design using brads to make a design. ... circle around a shape or picture on L/O.
(16.) using ink, paint or anything RED... on a L/O also try using a tool from a kitchen to do this L/O.
(17.) Roses R red, Violets R Blue, Sugar is Sweet n so r U. Using the word "Sweet" and a pic of urself do a L/O.
(18.) Chipboard; use any pc. of chip board to do this L/O just make sure it is the focal point of the page.
(19.) Current Creation; create a L/O w/something current ... news, TV, music, movie(Twilight)...
(20.) Stamp... create a L/O using stamps...
Well, that is a long list. I do this each time that I get ready for a crop. I do it so that I have ideas for my pages. Now realize this is not written in stone but I like having options that may jog something so that I can have Beautiful pages every time.
Soooooooooo, with this said... I have to get busy...
Talk later Peeps. <3

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Page Kits...

I am starting to think about getting ready for my "Girls Weekend' coming the first week end in Nov. I have started to plan out what I am going to bring and the pics that I will need to get developed.
I went to the Event Board this morning and found that my niece Robin has started a challenge of 30 page kits in 30 days. I am assuming she has something interesting planned for everyday in Oct. to help us get ready for the crop. She always has great thing planned and I am going to take advantage of her planning methods so that I will be prepared for my week end making the most out of every min. to get as many pages done as poss. and to have a FUN and to be very PRODUCTIVE at this crop.
With that said I also have had a very busy few days...
2 of our dogs had their puppies on the same day. Lilly had hers first and then Bella. Lilly lost 7 and 6 survived. Bella lost 3 and 3 survived. Bella ended up having to have a c-section. She had a very large pup that was stuck. She is doing ok but she is pretty sore and doesn't want to get up much. I don't blame her at all... We are feeding the pups to help the mamma's out as they recover.
So I have been a little busy with the dogs but I am getting a little done in between...
I also have been helping my son with some paperwork from his office, trying to help him get caught up with his logs. Now that is a job in itself but I figure all I have is time so I have been trying to help him some.
Well, time to get back to these puppies and then off to my scrapbooking room ... I will post a pic later to show you what my room looks like all put back together. Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Ooooo, I was so excited ...I got the newest Cricut to hit the market. The Imagine. I actually couldn't believe it was for me. I had watched the program that was on HSN for the launch of this new marvel. I was drooling over it. I tried to talk my DH into it and he said NO... I was so sad...
:(( but sorta didn't think anymore about it... the next day was my birthday and we all went to diner. My youngest son got me a bead for my Pandora bracelet, a heart that he had "Forever Love engraved on. I love it!!! Then my DH gave me an envelope with was a sheet inside the card. It was the receipt for the Cricut Imagine!!! I can tell you the entire restaurant knew I was super excited...
Well, It finally came and have I ever been having fun trying to figure it out. The options are endless on what you can do to create with this new jewel!!! I think it is new favorite toy. I have the Expression also and I think I will be keeping both of them. For awhile at least. I can't use my design studio until the updates are available but I am loving it more and more every time I use it...
Well, time for diner... gotta go get something made and then off to my scrapbooking room to create more beautiful creations.