Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So many changes...

Wow, 1-1/2 days of school left for this year... Seems like yesterday we were buying school clothes getting prepared for a new school year to begin and here we are ready to close out another year.
My son and his family will be moving from our house into a new home. Now mind you I am very excited for them to begin a new chapter in their lives but on the same hand I will be sad to see them go... What will I do with all of my time. I guess I will need to find some volunteer work to occupy my free time... which there is sure going to be an awful lot of that I am afraid!
I still for some strange reason can't get myself to do any scrapbooking???? I for the life of me can't figure out why...... So very behind and I have lost all interest in doing anything!!!
I am looking forward to a few things this summer, I love going camping and spending time with family... hopefully we will get a chance to do a little more this year.. Well, I am taking Marisa to see Shrek 3D so I better get moving... TTYL...